Sunday, March 20, 2016

Excellent Descriptive Writing

I sit there feeling lonely, even though I have of what looks like most of the human population on one street around me. I look up only to be met with the burning sensation of looking at the blaring billboards and the copper tasting smoke that laces my tongue. I just sit there with the frosty solid floor underneath me and the occasional foot on my leg or people stealing what money I have left in a hat. The roaring engines have become a lullaby to me, with the blaring noise of a siren in the distance and the clicking of shoes that drum against the floor. I try to look up again and look at the night stars, but are met with a slight glow of the city's lights, but it all becomes darkness.
By Emily B

I was jostled and shoved as people rushed past me. My ears were filled with the voices of advertising shopkeepers, chinging tills, drunken voices and fizzing electricity as I neared my destination I could hardly see from the bright neon lights.

By Gregor C

I stood there, among the hustle and bustle of the people around me. I hear children crying, dogs howling from the apartments above. The lovely smell of the hot food next door fills the air as I walk through the horde of people crowding around the strumming guitarist. At the corner of my eye, I catch a beautiful skirt standing out of the rows of markets, I push my way through to admire the stunning piece of clothing, I run my hands down the smooth, silky fabric. The bright lights of the skyscrapers blind me as I push my way through all the echoes of phones ringing, footsteps, and shouting of the people surrounding.
By Alannah M

The bustling crowd pushes me further forward into the center of chaos, I feel like a child again as I hear the adverts screaming at me telling me what I should do. My claustrophobia kicks in as the fresh air begins to be invaded by the exhaust fumes and smoke. The smell creates a taste in my mouth making me want to puke, but the glorious smell of fresh bread fights back and defends my taste buds. I’m pulled back up by frantic arms and I can see everything, the skyscraper mountains and flashing lights, the image is picturesque.
By Holly R

A claustrophobic feeling sends butterflies in my stomach as the chattering voices distract me from the position I am in, people filling the streets from all directions harshly bump into me. My back hits a glass building with a blast of light climbing the skyscraper as the firmness of the surface strangles my spine, I make my way towards a churro stand. My taste buds erupt as the sweetness slides down my throat. The night sky is filled with bright lights from the advertisements, as the cars speed past in a blur.
By Nikita N

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